
Fun geology-related things for kids to do.

Elementary School/Younger Kids

Go to the library and read about minerals
Go outside. When you see a rock, draw a picture of it or write a poem/short story about the rock.
Make rock candy
Make a geologist paper doll
Be inspired by these rock crafts

Ask your mom what kind of gems she has in her jewelry
Lots of fun things to read here:
Look for arrowheads in your backyard
Celebrate Earth Science Week (even if it isn’t October)
Find a rock and paint it to look like a ladybug or something else. Example: this rock ladybug
Go to one of these kid-friendly museums in the Kansas City area
Especially Science City in Union Station (Kansas City, MO)
Dinosaurs! There are also rocks, salt lamps, books about rocks, etc. in the gift shop. Great for kids.

geology archaeology volcano crystal science kits toys

Science kits for kids (of all ages)

High School/Adult Kids

Join the Show-Me Rockhounds and come to our field trips
Prepare yourself for earthquakes by reading this:
Celebrate Earth Science Week (even if it isn’t October)
These archaeology resources for many ages
Boy Scouts: How about earning an Archaeology merit badge? Check with your scout leader for this book which was published in 1997 by the Boy Scouts of America, Irving, Texas. Audience: Grades 6 – 12. Available from: Boy Scouts of America, Supply Division, Direct Mail Center, P.O. Box 909, Pineville, NC 28134-0909; 800-323-0732; ISBN 0-8395-5000-6; $3
Try rock tumbling. Don’t buy those little bags of tumbled stone chips at the museum when you can make them yourself! This site explains how to do it, but you don’t have to purchase the equipment from them. Rock tumblers are frequently found at estate sales or stores like Harbor Freight.

single drum rock tumbler

Chicago Electric single drum rock tumbler from Harbor Freight

Learn how to make cabochons (cabs). You will need a lot of equipment, including a saw, grinder, dop stick, and flat lap. Here are two explanations of how to make cabs: (Warning: Please do not try to learn this on the Internet alone. The process will be a lot easier and safer if you have an actual person to teach you.)
Try taking a lapidary class like this one with Kara Paris (if you read this after November 2016, see if they have any other classes available)

Make your own arrowheads. Here is an introduction to flint knapping: Try it with glass bottles first. Make sure you wear safety glasses!

Learn how to make slabs. Here are some suggestions for saws:
Learn how to open your own geodes with a saw. You can even cut other people’s geodes!
Learn faceting (warning: very expensive hobby)